App Personalization & Image Requirements

App Personalization Requirement

Requirement for Development of Personalized Mobile Application

For buyers of our Dating Plugin, we provide customized mobile application that will reflect your dating website. To upload the apps in the app stores, please make sure that you have installed the latest version of the plugin in your site. 

1. Splash screen
1242 x 2208 PNG format

2. App Icon
In PNG format (512 x 512 for Android) (1024 x 1024 for iOS)

3. App title
Max 30 character that your members will uniquely identify your dating application.

4. Description about the app
Max 4000 character, mostly describing what you offer.

5. Short Description
Not exceeding 80 characters. Mostly the summary of your long description.

6. Developers account

          Apple iTunes: it is $99 per year, check here,

          Android: it is a one time fee of $25, check here

Image Requirements for Apps Personalization

For Android:

1. Screenshots
 1.1 Minimum 2 screenshots(images) are required
 1.2 JPEG or PNG (no alpha)
 1.3 Min dimension of either side (width or height) : 320px
2. APP Icon : 512 X 512 px

3. Feature Graphic :
1024 X 500 px (JPG or 24-bit PNG) no alpha

Icon size (PNG format Images)
1. 36x36
2. 48x48
3. 72x72
4. 96x96
5. 144x144
6. 192x192

Splash Screen ( PNG format Images)
1. 200x320 
2. 320x480
3. 480x800
4. 720x1280
5. 960x1600


For iPhone (PNG format Images)

Icon size
1. 57x57         
2. 114x114         
3. 120x120         
4. 180x180         
5. 72x72         
6. 144x144         
7. 76x76         
8. 152x152
9. 167x167
10. 29x29
11. 58x58
12. 87x87
13. 40x40
14. 80x80
15. 50x50
16. 100x100
Splash Screen
1. 768x1004
2. 320x480
3. 640x960
4. 768x1024
5. 1536x2048
6. 1024x768
7. 2048x1536
8. 640x1136
9. 750x1334
10. 1242x2208
11. 2208x1242
12. 1334x750
13. 2048x1496
14. 1024x748
15. 1536x2008

There are a few reasons for the app being rejected from the stores even after we submit them. Here are a few of those reasons.

Customization made on Plugin Codes: The plugin in your site is customized and it affects the functionality of your site. If this is the case, we will not be able to publish your apps to the stores.

Your site loads slowly: This is mostly caused by the other plugins that are installed in your site. We may ask you to remove other plugins from your site till the apps are published.

About and Terms Text: Texts are not entered for mobile apps. You require to add the “About” and “Terms” text in DSP Admin > Tools > Mobile. These are the information about using the apps. Make sure to avoid the terms such as Google, Android, Apple, iOS, Upgrade Membership, Premium Membership, Payment and such. For example, you can connect to using the apps downloadable from and check the texts from there.