If you don’t have hosting for your dating site, one site to stay away from is GoDaddy.com hosting. In my eyes, they are one of the worst hosting companies in the world. Now if you have a simple html page website then that’s fine. But if you have a database driven site, which if you’re getting our Dating Software, then stay clear of GoDaddy.com hosting. Don’t get me wrong, they are great for domain names but they suck for hosting. Here’s a few reasons why.
Your database server will be on a different server. They have the worst database interface for setting up databases. Databases aren’t setup when you click on Finish. It can take 15 minutes. Their FTP to the file structure is very limited. Uploading files/folders can be difficult if you are not an expert at it. Also, another reason is that GoDaddy hosting can delay mail functions by 15 minutes. This means that if a member sends another member an email, it can take 15 minutes for that external email notification to arrive. But really, it’s the whole hosting that bothers me. It doesn’t have to be like that and if you’re in need of Dating Site Hosting, then stay away from GoDaddy.com for hosting. There are plenty of other hosting companies out there. We like LunarPages.com.