WP Dating Plugin
Copyright 2024 wpdating.com
Changelog Legend:
[+] = Added
[*] = Changed
[^] = Moved
[=] = No Changes
[x] = Deleted
[!] = Bugs
[Dec 4, 2024] WP Dating 7.7.3
[!] Change Password Validation Fixes.
[!] Minor Security Fixes.
[!] NewsFeed not loaded Issue Fixed.
[!] Extend Premium Membership error Fixed.
[!] Near me user List Issue.
[!] User privacy setting Issue.
[!] Payment handling Issue Fixed.
[Sep 4, 2024] WP Dating 7.7.2
[+] Image Compression Feature.
[+] Video Compression Feature.
[!] PayPal Discount code Form Fixes
[!] Minor Bug Fixes.
[Aug 2, 2024] WP Dating 7.7.1
[+] Authorize.Net Version update
[!] Blacklist User Feature Issue
[!] Minor Bug Fixes
[July 15, 2024] WP Dating 7.7.0
[+] Code Optimization.
[+] Query Optimization.
[!] Meet Me Listing error.
[!] Plugin conflict with Google Site kit.
[June 26, 2024] WP Dating 7.6.2
[+] Admin Notification on Profile added to Pending Status.
[+] Admin Notification on Picture added to Pending Status.
[+] Admin Notification on Video added to Pending Status.
[+] Admin Notification on Audio added to Pending Status.
[!] PayPal Cancel Subscription Issue Fixed.
[!] Profile Question Ordering Issue Fixed.
[!] Update Database Error Fixed.
[May 20, 2024] WP Dating 7.6.1
[+] Online Users List Issue Fixed.
[+] Viewed Me and I Viewed Users List Issue Fixed.
[+] Delete Users Issue Fixed.
[+] Admin Email Notification on Users Delete.
[+] Private Picture issue on some user listing Fixed.
[Apr 2, 2024] WP Dating 7.6.0
[+] Code optimization with JS and Database Queries
[x] Legacy Mobile Code Removed
[x] Google InApp Removed
[x] Legacy Widgets Removed
[Mar 20, 2024] WP Dating 7.5.5
[+] Google Map Deprecated Functions handling for Edit Location.
[!] Google Map Deprecated Functions handling for Near Me feature.
[!] Gender Store error with Free Trial Feature.
[!] Missing Translation Text added For Localization.
[Jan 19, 2024] WP Dating 7.5.4
[!] Error message display consistency.
[!] Zodiac Naming issue.
[Dec 21, 2023] WP Dating 7.5.3
[!] Search Widget issue.
[!] General settings not saving.
[Dec 7, 2023] WP Dating 7.5.2
[+] PayPal cancel subscription
[+] SMS verification enable or disable using Twilio
[!] Guest search city field freezes
[!] General settings not saving
[Oct 13th, 2023] WP Dating 7.5.0
[+] Bankwire payment for upgrade account and credit plans
[+] Show membership based on gender
[*] Change default private images (profile, audio, and video)
[*] Paypal subscription webhook handling
[*] Atomchat script updated for launching chat
[!] Show approved media to the user profile wall after it is approved by the admin
[Sep 13th, 2023] Version 7.4.8
[*] Guest limit profile added to work with force profile enabled only.
[*] Recommended email template plugin.
[*] Add upgrade credits URL on not credit left message.
[!] Virtual gift for premium users.
[!] Credit deduction for virtual gift.
[AUG 11th, 2023] Version 7.4.7
[!] Paypal Payment Subscription with discount.
[!] Image update issue in Admin dashboard.
[AUG 1st, 2023] Version 7.4.6
[!] Delete User Issue
[Jul 18th, 2023] Version 7.4.5
[+] Near Me feature as Premium Feature.
[!] General setting value not stored.
[Jun 8th, 2023] Version 7.4.4
[!] Profile Picture upload issue.
[!] Profile Question not stored for multi-language.
[!] Profile question delete issue.
[May 30th, 2023] WPDating Version 7.4.3
[!] Paypal Payment discount code integration issue.
[May 9th, 2023] Version 7.4.2
[+] Plugin Arbitrary File upload Vulnerabilities fixes – Unsupported file upload Restricted
[+] Credit Card Payment added to Paypal
[+] Paypal updated to the latest version
[+] Hooks and Filter added
[MAR 28th, 2023] Version 7.4.1
[+] Plugin MYSQL injection Vulnerabilities fixes
[!] Issue with user logout
[!] Update Database not working
[+] Hooks related to membership update added
[Jan 25th, 2023] Version 7.4.0 WP Dating
[+] Plugin compatible with PHP 8.2
[!] User email deletion from wp-admin section feature improved
[x] Refactor code
[!] Minor bug fixes
[Jan 19th, 2023] Version 7.3.4 WP Dating
[!] Profile Update by admin issue
[+] Public Hooks added to Profile section
[Nov 23rd, 2022] Version 7.3.3 WP Dating
[!] Facebook Login issue
[Nov 3rd, 2022] Version 7.3.2 WP Dating
[!] Premium Feature list not displaying on multi-language
[!] Partner profile value not stored on edit profile
[!] Delete account error with database prefix
[SEP 29th, 2022] Version 7.3.1 WP Dating
[!] Error while creating Free membership plan
[+] Meter unit added on near me search
[+] Some missing translations added
[Aug 29th, 2022] Version 7.3.0 WP Dating
[+] Select Profile question field type for advanced search in backend tools
[+] Add new input fields in the admin membership form hook added
[Aug 12th, 2022] Version 7.2.4 WP Dating
[+] Admin’s Profile questions option’s section hook added
[+] Admin’s settings section hook added
[+] Admin’s Tools section hook added
[Aug 5th, 2022] Version 7.2.3 WP Dating
[+] Option to display City/State in Textarea
[+] Admin edit profile section hook added
[!] Language compatibility added for profile question
[July 28, 2022] Version 7.2.2 WP Dating
[!] Online member list error fixed
[!] Member search error fixes
[+] Admin section hook added
[July 18, 2022] Version 7.2.1 WP Dating
[+] Filter for fetching online user query added
[!] Site fatal error while activating
[!] Site health issue fixed
[x] Mobile-related code removed
[June 23, 2022] Version 7.2.0 WP Dating
[+] Meet Me Swipe limit option added
[x] Admin template image removed
[*] DSP Admin text changed to WPDating Admin
[!] PayPal recurring payment issue fixed
[!] Membership create issue fixed
[!] Online members issue fixed
[June 9, 2022] Version 7.1.9 WP Dating
[+] First name and last name added in profile generator
[+] Instant chat link in other member profile page added
[!] Backslash occurs where single quotes are used in Profile Question fixed
[!] Profile generator bug fixes
[May 24, 2022] Version 7.1.8 WP Dating
[!] Pagination buttons of Members section in the Registration page bug fixed
[!] Gender creation issue in admin panel fixed
[May 12, 2022] Version 7.1.7 WP Dating
[+] Distance Search Options table creation added
[*] Remove time from wink messages if not exist
[!] Fatal error in update database button fixed
[!] Fatal error in Basic Search fixed
[Apr 26, 2022] Version 7.1.6 WP Dating
[+] Credit per wink option in credits added
[!] Facebook pop up login issue fixed
[!] Free trial not working bug fixed
[!] Block member excluded from online member and near me
[!] Admin email template for member register bug fixed
[Apr 4, 2022] Version 7.1.5 WP Dating
[!] Credits not working in Gifts and Email messages bug fixed
[!] Login not working in site without SSL bug fixed
[!] One on one chat and Group chat bug fixed
[!] Css updated for the pagination in mobile view
[+] Backend option to display states and city added
[Mar 16, 2022] Version 7.1.4 WP Dating
[!] Logout after payment successful redirect in payment gateway’s fixed
[!] Credits not working in love-match email messages fixed
[!] Price field hidden in the backend membership page bug fixed
[Feb 3, 2022] Version 7.1.3 WP Dating
[!] State fetch in edit profile bug fixed
[!] Membership create and update from backend bug fix
[Feb 3, 2022] Version 7.1.2 WP Dating
[!] Photo approval profile url redirects bug fix
[!] DOB reverts to 1961 every time in edit Profile bug fix
[!] Captcha did not match error during registration bug fix
[!] Skype not working issue fix
[Jan 20, 2022] Version 7.1.1 WP Dating
[!] Photo approve email template URL bug fix
[!] Profile create, update and delete in backend (DSP_Admin) bug fix
[!] Approve user profile in backend (DSP_Admin) bug fix
[Dec 29, 2021] Version 7.1.0 WP Dating
[+] go to current location added
[+] generate fake user from profile generator added
[*] Facebook login with ajax
[*] zipcode search process changes
[!] reset password special character bug fixed
[!] search query bug fix
[!] save search membership check bug fix
[!] wrong free trial option check bug fix
[!] search query bug fix
[!] location not saved fixed
[!] PHP errors handling
[Oct 19, 2021] Version 7.0.3 WP Dating
[!] Image display issue in meet me widget
[!] Username search bug in admin gallery photo, members photo and profile section
[!] Quick search backend connection bug
[Sep 30, 2021] Version 7.0.2 WP Dating
[*] Changed the photo edit library
[June 21, 2021] Version 7.0.1 WP Dating
[!] Widgets title font size and links color in admin panel issue fixed
[June 3, 2021] Version 7.0.0 WP Dating
[*] Updated the external js and css file to latest version
[!] Ajax bug in upgrade account page fixed
[+] Unblock option added in view profile
[x] Removed unnecessary bootstrap from admin section
[x] Removed unnecessary column from zipcode table
[!] Credits plan section bug fixed
[x] Removed unnecessary content from admin profile generator page
[+] Linked credits plans with admin section options
[!] Bug fixed in search section
[!] Gender not showing issue in privacy page fixed
[!] Meet me feature js bug fix
[!] Design Fixes
Elementor Add-on
Copyright 2024 wpdating.com
Changelog Legend:
[+] = Added
[*] = Changed
[^] = Moved
[=] = No Changes
[x] = Deleted
[!] = Bugs
[December 5, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 3.0.1
[+] Login Form Trigger Class Added.
[!] Change Password Validation Fixes.
[!] Membership list Order on basis of Price.
[!] Meet Me User List Issue.
[!] Near Me User Issue.
[!] Minor Security Fixes.
[!] Minor Design Fixes.
[September 5, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 3.0.0
[+] Image Compression Feature.
[+] Video Compression Feature.
[!] PayPal Discount code Form Fixes.
[!] Delete User Issue Fixes.
[!] Profile Picture Upload Changes.
[!] Meet Me Filter Issue.
[!] Minor Design Fixes.
[August 2, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.11.2
[+] The Authorize.net payment gateway option was added
[!] Blacklist Feature Issue
[!] Members Tabs Query Optimization
[!] Minor Design Fixes
[July 23, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.11.1
[+] Show Password Icon Feature For Password Field.
[+] Plugin Security while Deleting Account.
[!] Advance Search Issue on Drop-down Profile Question.
[!] PayPal Pop-up Design Fixes.
[!] Minor Design Fixes.
[July 15, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.11.0
[+] Code Optimization.
[+] Query Optimization.
[+] Meet Me Match List.
[!] Opposite Gender Selection Issue.
[June 26, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.10.8
[+] Admin Notification on Profile added to Pending Status.
[+] Profile View Limit Feature.
[+] Virtual Gift Limit.
[!] Cancel Friend Request Error Fixed.
[!] Update Database Error Fixed.
[May 20, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.10.7
[+] Online User Listing Issue Fixed.
[+] City update issue in Admin Dashboard Fixed.
[Mar 20, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.10.6
[+] Google Map Deprecated Functions handling for Edit Location.
[+] Google Map Deprecated Functions handling for Near Me feature.
[!] Member List Ajax issue with Translation.
[!] Credits pricing handling issue with Credits Plans.
[!] Menu responsive issue.
[!] Missing Translation Text added For Localization.
[Jan 19, 2024] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.10.5
[!] Error message display consistency.
[!] Featured User listed even after expiration issue.
[Dec 21, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.10.4
[!] Multi select question’s options view issue.
[Dec 8, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.10.3
[!] Instant password validation CSS issue in different themes
[Dec 7, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.10.2
[+] PayPal cancel subscription
[+] Sms verification enable or disable using Twilio
[+] Instant password validation in registration form
[+] Redirect option for dynamic routes
[!] Hide photos of private album from profile wall from other users
[!] Critical error on register widget
[Oct 13th, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.10.0
[+] Bankwire payment for upgrade account and credit plans
[+] Show membership based on gender
[+] Upgrade account button widget
[+] Send email when a user get a friend request
[*] Change default private images (profile, audio, and video)
[*] Paypal subscription webhook handling
[*] Atomchat script updated for launching chat
[!] Show approved media to the user profile wall after approved by the admin
[Sep 13th, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.9.5
[*] Guest limit profile added to work with force profile enable only
[!] Permanently delete user account
[!] Show green dot online status on active user image
[!] Elementor plugin compatibility issue while registering widget
[Aug 11th, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.9.4
[+] Atom chat embeded on profile page
[+] Atom chat popup link on User profile page
[!] Minor bugfixes
[Jul 18th, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.9.3
[+] Authorize.net Payment Gateway.
[+] Near Me as a Premium Feature.
[!] Password Validation Issue.
[!] Sorting of Profile Question Issue.
[May 30th, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.9.2
[!] Paypal Payment discount code integration issue.
[May 9th, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.9.1
[+] Credit Card Payment added to Paypal
[+] Paypal updated to latest version
[!] User notification added for Friend requests.
[!] Hooks and Filter added
[!] Minor bug fixes
[Jan 24th, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.9.0
[+] Plugin compatible with PHP 8.2
[!] User rating bug fixes
[!] Save search feature improvement
[!] Privacy setting media bug fixes
[!] Minor bug fixes
[Jan 19th, 2023] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.8.5
[+] Cover Picture Improvement
[+] Email restriction in registration removed
[+] Public Hooks added to Profile section
[Nov 23th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.8.4
[!] Credits Plan purchase issue with paypal
[+] Hook added to the profile header
[Nov 7th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.8.3
[+] Loader added while loading news feed
[Nov 3rd, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.8.2
[!] Delete account error with database prefix
[!] Forget Password section compatibilty with PHP 8.0
[!] Forget Password link not send to Email.
[Sep 29st, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.8.1
[+] Translation compatibiltiy with AJAX call
[!] Gateways Setting compatibiltiy with upgrade account page
[!] Privacy Setting compatibilty with Album and Video view
[!] JS compatibiltiy issue with DSP Login on pop-up section
[+] Meter unit added to Near Me Search
[!] Trending Setting compatibiltiy with Profile page
[Aug 31st, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.8.0
[+] Dropdown input field option for profile question in advance search added
[+] Hook for the friend ajax section added
[+] Filter for profile redirect anchor tag added
[+] Hook added at start of header section
[+] Hook for the header profile details added
[!] Meet me widget design issue
[Aug 12th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.7.3
[+] Custom plugin addons option added
[+] Settings menu hook section added
[Aug 5th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.7.2
[+] Option to display City/State in Textarea
[+] Register Validation added for special character in username
[+] Hook and Filter added for adding section on profile header.
[!] Forget Password link redirecting to Homepage error fixed
[July 28th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.7.1
[+] Meet Me feature
[!] Issue with user search in members page fixed
[!] Conflict caused due to New user widget fixed
[July 18th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.7.0
[+] Trending feature
[+] Filter added in fetching users query
[+] Hook and Filter added for adding additional input in quick and small quick search
[+] Add an asterisk in mandatory edit profile inputs
[!] Privacy settings option issue fixed
[!] Mollie payment issue
[!] Fatal site error while activating
[June 27th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.6.3
[!] Media pop up section issue fixed
[June 23rd, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.6.2
[+] Meet Me Swipe limit option added
[+] PayPal recurring payment feature added
[+] Cancel paypal recurring payment feature added
[!] Online members issue fixed
[!] City search not working issue fixed
[!] Saved Search issue fixed
[!] User image upload path issue fixed
[June 16th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.6.1
[!] Design fixes for my matches tool tip
[June 9th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.6.0
[+] Match feature with filter option added
[+] Instant chat link in other member profile page added
[+] Filter added for filtering the fetched image object
[+] Filter to get the conditions to get the user profile details
[+] Hook to add action after a email is verified using verification link
[+] Hook to add more profile details as per users choice under view profile section.
[!] Month in the DOB changes after registration bug fixed
[!] Backslash occur while single quotes are used in Profile Question fixed
[!] Backslash occur while single quotes are used in status fixed
[!] Gifts Icon is not displaying in the sent gifts section fixed
[May 26th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.5.4
[!] Edit Profile Question validation issue
[!] WP Better Email template not working issue fixed
[May 25th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.5.3
[*] Changed the user activation message
[May 24th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.5.2
[!] Edit Profile link broken in Profile page fixed
[!] No record error while searching and saving search fixed
[!] State and City mode not working fixed
[!] Validation popup for image upload missing in Edit Profile fixed
[!] Seeking value not working in Advanced Search fixed
[*] Gift section code updated
[May 17th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.5.1
[!] Rating and comment design issue fixed
[May 12th, 2022] WPDating Elementor Add-on Version 2.5.0
[+] Profile Rating feature added
[+] Comment feature added
[+] Report Comment feature added
[+] Distance Search feature added
[+] Upgrade Credit Plan feature added
[!] Profile question issue fixed
[!] PaySafe payment gateway issue fixed